Sunday, July 16, 2017

Dunkirk: IMAX, 70mm and IMAX Dome

Hi guys, so I'm looking for some advice on where and how to see Christopher Nolan's upcoming Dunkirk. I know it has been shot in IMAX 70mm, and I want to go to a theater and get the maximum/best experience I can.Here are my options: 1) A local AMC theater (that I've seen digital IMAX at, pretty big screen tbh; definitely seen worse screens that masquerade as IMAX), says it has a theater playing Dunkirk on 70mm film. (this theater has also been labeled as a LIEMAX theater by some) 2) A local science museum has a 70mm IMAX Dome theater. 3) Another theater (over an hour away, so I probably won't go to this one) has 70mm IMAX on a flat screen.I've seriously considered going to the 70mm IMAX Dome, but I've also seen a lot of complaints online about having to crane your neck to see the whole screen, as well as image distortions on the sides of the screen, as well as funhouse mirror-type close ups. Would any of these complaints be alleviated by the fact that the film is shot in 70mm? Many of the complaints I've seen seem to only be concerning movies that weren't shot in IMAX.Obviously the ideal option is number 3, but it is so far away, I frankly don't see myself (nor my friends) committing to making the trip.What has been your guys' experience with IMAX Dome with movies that have or haven't been shot in IMAX or 70mm?What are everybody's suggestions?Thanks in advance! via /r/movies

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