Sunday, July 16, 2017

Just finished the Leftovers - how is this show so well liked? (spoilers)

Sorry for the pointless rant, but I just wasted nearly 30 hours of my life watching this show, and I'm absolutely struck dumb by the overwhelmingly favorable consensus. This show was a case study in unresolved loose-ends, trite, stilted, ham-handed dialogue, poor acting, and loosely defined character creation, yet people are describing that train wreck of a final season (among other things) as "sticking the landing" and "a masterpiece." Are people just overlooking the way half the storylines in the series were either forgotten about or were rendered entirely irrelevant? What role did Wayne or his baby play in this story? What role did Tom or Jill play? What was the point of anything ever taking place in Mapleton if Jardin and Australia were the only places that mattered? Why the hell couldn't the writers just tell a single episode in the order in which it happened - I felt like Morty listening to the fucking lighthouse keeper's shitty screenplay with all that "flash to three weeks earlier" bullshit. Why did we never find out why a branch of the government raided Wayne's compound or bombed Jardin? Why did we never hear anything about them burning guilty remnant corpses and replacing them with mannequins after season one? Why in the ever loving fuck did Nora find out what had happened to the departed and not tell anyone? Are we supposed to just accept that she's so self-centered that it was more important to her to live a quiet life in australia than to give some sense of closure to the millions of people who had lost their families? Did it never occur to her or her dipshit scientist that they could just send every single departed person back to earth and no one would have to live in the nearly completely depopulated orphan hell-hole that was the 2% world? I'm so frustrated with nearly every single aspect of this show, and I can not for the life of me figure out why anyone would think it was good.Edit: If you have an actual argument for why these aren't loose ends, I'm all ears, but downvoting just because you're angry that I didn't like your favorite show just prevents there from being any conversation. via /r/television

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