Sunday, July 16, 2017

Last Action Hero is on TV right now with about 50 minutes removed, what's the most you've seen cut from a movie?

50 minutes is a rough estimate for a 2 hour window with commercials. But the strange thing is I think it benefits from the massive cuts, as a lot of needless scenes were cut early. I found this online -"The ITV premiere was heavily cut (presumably to fit a two hour schedule); from entire scenes including the burglar at Danny's house and subsequent police station scene to minor cuts to violence such as Arnold kicking a SWAT member in the testicles. "It made me curious for other movies you may have seen or heard of with huge cuts to them for TV (or in general), and if you thought it helped or hurt. It's a good discussion I think as more and move movies reach for that three hour mark. (Instead of the Frakes-approved runtime of 111 minutes for Star Trek: First Contact.) via /r/movies

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