Sunday, July 16, 2017

Optimus Prime Never Wins Without Help in Any of the Movies

SPOILERSFirst Movie: Optimus is about to get his shit rocked by Megatron when Shia Lebouf holds up a cube and disintegrates Megatron's chest. Lucky Optimus...Second Movie: Optimus straight up gets killed and is revived by Shia. Then Optimus uses a cheat code to get upgraded in order to win. Lucky Optimus...Third Movie: Optimus and Sentinel fight and Sentinel lets Optimus live. Skip to second fight where Optimus gets his arm torn off and is about to take one to the chest. Surprise, surprise, Megatron comes in and saves his ass. Lucky Optimus...Fourth Movie: Optimus is impaled on a god damned wall and is about to get decapitated when Marky Mark saves his ass. Lucky Optimus...Fifth Movie: Didn't actually see it because I heard it was a streaming pile of shit even compared to the other movies.Tl;dr Optmius is weak AF. via /r/movies

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