Sunday, July 16, 2017

Predictions for Godzilla King of Monsters

With the new Godzilla movie on the horizon in 2019, and with some new info released from the Monarch timeline, I decided to throw is some predictions.First of all, I think that their will be 2 Rodan in the film. With the tease if their being a Monarch containment station around a volcano in a Caribbean island, I'm lead to believe that they'll pull a MUTO and have a mating pair of Rodan, or siblings.Next, with Mothra being in China in a temple, I'm thinking she'll be the center of some aort of cult/religion with a pair of twins at the lead (references!). Also speaking of Mothra, I'm split on one of two things. Either Mothra is going to die when fighting King Ghidorah but have 1-2 offspring hatch towards the end (maybe fight), or she'll live but have eggs hinted at/shown to set up a Mothra movie or later appearances.King Ghidorah time, and since he's frozen in the Antarctic, either Godzilla is going to wake him up, or humans will screw up something and awake the demon. After that? My hope would be a meeting of the 4 Kaiju (5 if you count 2 Rodan) in Latin America or Caribbean island. My hope is that during a fight with at least Godzilla and thw 2 Rodans Ghidorah will take one hostage and force the other to fight Godzilla, then later have Rodan's motivation be to recover the other Rodan, possible sacrifice?What are your guys predictions? What kaiju do you think will die? How close to their origins will they stay or will they be entirely new? Will Ghidorah be an Alien. via /r/movies

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