Sunday, July 16, 2017

Weird OCD

I am making this post because I have a problem that I feel people in the film community could help with. I have had OCD since as far back as I can remember but I can never remember getting this bad. I'm talking about the relation my OCD has with film storylines. I love film and watch movies every day. I study them, I take notes about them, I'm obsessed. There's just one thing: my OCD. My OCD makes me feel as if I HAVE to know the correct sequential order of absolutely everything that happens in a movie. And it's not just me being a super fan. I can tell you the stories of some of the worst films or even just comedy films. It's not like I care about the story. It's because my OCD makes me remember these things. I pause and rewind movies hundreds of times just to get it. When I'm done with the movie I take hours piecing together a timeline in my mind of when and what takes place. It may seem like I'm rambling but for those of you who have similar experiences or people who would like to help me, please respond.PS I'm not a nerd and I have a life and this is not by choice via /r/movies

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