Sunday, July 16, 2017

What was the best film you watched this week? (07/10/17 - 07/16/17)

The way this works is that you post a review of the best film you saw last week. It doesn't have to be a new release, just any film you have seen over the last seven days that you feel is worth talking about. Here are some rules.1. Check to see if your favourite film of last week has been posted already. If so, please reply to that comment instead of making a new thread.2. Please post your favourite film of last week.3. NO TV SHOWS!4. ALWAYS use spoiler tags. Report any comments that spoil recent / little-known films (e.g. Wonder Woman, The Mummy) without using the spoiler tag.5. Comments that only contain the title of the film will be removed!Here are some great comments from this week's thread that I will boldly predict:Spiderman Homecoming - It was the best portrayal of Spiderman on screen, I'm glad Sony gave the right backs to Marvel, but I will still low key have the Reimi ones on the backburner for when the euphoria for Homecoming dies down and I can still feel smug about my original opinions.War Of The Planet of the Apes - This cemented my opinion, and I am breaking new ground here with this claim, that this not only is the best modern trilogy of this decade, but it's also the best current franchise about apes revolting against humans thanks to a little ape called Ceasar. I will also mention something about the upcoming Batman movie because Matt Reeves before all the replies do it trying to steal my karma.Baby Driver (2017) - I liked it. Now watch as I laugh because my lame short comment about this movie was the first one, so all the essays about it will have to be removed if they don't reply to me.Have fun and play nice! via /r/movies

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